Realign and step into a brighter, bolder chapter of your life in 3 days

Identify and eliminate what's truly holding you back. In our sessions, you'll not only conquer your fears, you'll gain a renewed sense of self, clarity on your values and vision, and the courage to feel confident and deeply connected to yourself.

Life's journey is full of twists and turns, which can cause us to get caught up in disempowering stories and beliefs about who we are and what we can do. Now, here's the exciting part: you have the power to break free, rewrite your story, and create a life that truly resonates with who you are.

That moment you realize the power your internal story possesses—that’s irreplaceable .


  • You're overwhelmed by the weight of your thoughts and emotions; they consume you

  • Lack confidence so you make yourself small

  • Hide yourself from the world and avoid meeting new people

  • Prevent yourself from fully stepping out of your comfort zone in your career and relationships

  • You rather stand back, then speak up which then keeps you questioning yourself and leaving you feeling anxious. 

  • You feel stuck, unfulfilled or complacent in an area of your life.

  • You frequently engage in people-pleasing and worry about others' opinions.

  • You've experienced a loss of self and purpose in your life

  • You feel as if you are living in a constant state of fight or flight

  • You find it difficult to pursue your passions without feeling anxiety, burnout or overwhelm

  • You are struggling to maintain focus

“Karla helped me find clarity in purpose, balance with myself, self-compassion and I don’t have more anxiety or “weight on me.” I was able to break barriers and think without fears and anxiety.”

– Cristy Mcclure 

It's time you stop making yourself small, hiding from the world, and avoiding stepping out of your comfort zone.


  • Had inner peace, freedom from fear, and an abundant mindset.

  • Set boundaries that honor your needs and protect your well-being.

  • Were compassionate and patient with yourself and others as you set boundaries.

  • Improved your time management skills so you can have more time doing the things you love.

  • Embodied confidence, authentic expression, self-acceptance, knowing yourself

  • Confidently communicated your desires and needs

  • Had the freedom to be true to yourself in every aspect of your life.

  • Created healthy habits that align with your schedule, values and vision.

  • Gained mental and emotional clarity, empowering you to communicate with confidence.

  • Gained a better understanding and level of awareness in your emotional reactions.

In the Breakthrough Intensive we combine Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Mental & Emotional Release® (MER), and hypnosis techniques. Our sessions target the root cause, emotional baggage and limiting beliefs preventing you from reaching your full potential.

Breakthrough the Noise

Here's what you can expect during the Personal Breakthrough Intensive:


Day 1: Reflect on Your Story

We get clear on your story, in one area of life to identify your desires, limiting beliefs, and fears from the past, present, and future. Then, we become aware of what the root problem is to better understand what is blocking you from having growth in the chosen life area.


Day 2: Reclaim Your Power

We release limiting beliefs, negative emotions, and fears that came up on the first day so that you can be free from mental and emotional blocks and finally feel worthy and prioritize yourself. Through the powerful tool of MER®, we work together to eliminate behaviors that are dimming your light.


Day 3: Redesign Your Life

On the final day of the intensive, we will get crystal clarity on your goals, life vision, and create your self-image. This transformative experience will move you towards stepping into a new identity that fully aligns with your true self.

Personal Breakthrough Sessions is a 6-8 hour intense session, broken down into 3-days for the busy-go getter women.

Reclaim your power and create positive change by taking control of your thoughts, emotions, and actions.

Personal Breakthrough Session Benefits:

  • Liberate yourself from emotional baggage for freedom from the past.

  • Prioritize time and energy with increased effectiveness.

  • Create a clear path for the future with intentional goal-setting.

  • Boost self-confidence by leveraging your strengths.

  • Overcome disempowering stories for confident decision-making.

  • Eliminate major fears, extracting empowering lessons.

Nothing fuels my soul more than helping you shine your light.

I'm Karla, a personal growth coach and NLP Master Practitioner. In 2020, I rediscovered my purpose, spirituality, and life vision after losing myself. This journey prompted me to explore ways to overcome my mental and emotional barriers. That's when I became certified in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) to gain deeper insights into our thoughts and behaviors. Now, I apply these techniques with my clients to help them reconnect with their deeper why, manage their emotions, take courageous steps towards their goals, and cultivate self-worth.


“Karla is a kind soul with a beautiful heart. She is compassionate, intuitive and I felt very safe sharing personal information with her.

  • Marcia Mark: Enterprise Account Executive

    Karla helped me overcome some longtime barriers in the area of career and finance. I had tried multiple times multiple ways to push through and make changes on my own. She was able to help me identify limiting beliefs and get to core issues holding me back. Since working with Karla my confidence and income have increased. I’m so grateful for her assistance and would highly recommend a breakthrough session with follow up coaching sessions.

  • Carina Stringfellow: Entrepreneur

    With Karla’s guidance on self-worth, it made it easier to navigate this year. Truly, never thinking that a breakthrough would be the thing I needed to do for myself. I now recognize nonessential drama, staying focused on my feeling, staying focused on my purpose in every day living.

What Is MER®?

Mental & Emotional Release® is a clinically researched approach that helps you identify and release limiting beliefs, negative thought patterns, and fears that hold you back, using a timeline therapy technique.

Time Line Therapy® techniques help you let go of negative emotions like fear, anger, sadness, and anxiety by detaching them from past memories. This empowers you to communicate confidently, manage your emotions effectively, and progress without the weight of emotional baggage from the past.

It offers rapid relief and guidance, often within a matter of hours, allowing for profound transformation and liberation from the burdens of your past.

Mental & Emotional Release® (MER) brings fast and lasting changes to many problems. Unlike traditional counseling or self-help methods, MER can offer relief and clarity within hours, not weeks or years.

Let go of the baggage, be courageously You

Following the NLP breakthrough session, clients have the option for a 30-60 minute support session to further integrate their transformation. For those seeking ongoing support, I offer a 3-month 1:1 coaching program focused on working towards your personal and professional goals.